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Benbros Mighty Midgets

No.47 Articulated Wagon

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

The name which Benbros gave to Mighty Midget No.47 was Articulated Waggon (with 2 'g's) but in fact it was an articulated dropside lorry and correctly illustrated as such on the box.


The trailer was a one-piece casting with the addition, on the first version, of a separate rear tailboard hinged at the base. This variation had a smooth floor and there was nice detail in the casting of the dropsides but with the tailboard being so small it must have been difficult to assemble. It was painted beige with unpainted metal wheels and when coupled to the cab the whole model measured about 62mm in length. The Bedford cab was usually red. The trailer had no identification.


Not surprisingly Benbros soon re-cast the trailer with an integral rear tailboard and this time gave it a ribbed floor. The colour changed to blue (various shades) or dark-red and it was fitted with metal wheels and usually came with a red, yellow or beige cab.


Later the model was fitted with black plastic wheels and a final colour of dark-blue was added to the existing ones. The axles were flat-head & crimped and the cabs red, beige or blue.


The Articulated Wagon was rather dull and probably not a popular toy because it is quite hard to find. Mint models can fetch a premium.

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

Variation 1 : beige with tailboard, smooth floor, umw, red cab

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon
Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

Variation 1: Tailboard closed (left) and open (right)

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon
Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

Variation 2: mid-blue trailer, integral tailboard, umw, red cab

Benbros No.47 Articulated Wagon

Trailer variations (with freqent cab colours)


All models had Mighty Midget boxes


(1) BEIGE,  SMOOTH floor,  HINGED TAILBOARD,  umw,  red cab


(2) MID-BLUE,  ribbed floor,  integral tailboard,  UNPAINTED mw,  red cab


(3) DARK-RED,  ribbed floor,  integral tailboard,  umw,  yellow or beige cab


(4) PALE-BLUE,  ribbed floor,  integral tailboard,  BLACK pw,  red or beige cab


(5) DARK-BLUE,  ribbed floor,  integral tailboard,  bpw,  red or beige cab


(6) DARK-RED,  ribbed floor,  integral tailboard,  bpw,  beige or blue cab

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

Variation 3; dark-red trailer, umw, yellow cab (red trim)

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

Variation 4: pale blue trailer, bpw, red cab

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

Variation 5: dark-blue trailer, bpw, beige cab

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

Variation 6: dark-red trailer, bpw, blue cab

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon colours

Benbros No.47 trailers : ribbed floors and colours

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon

Underside and coupling

(mid-blue with beige cab)

Benbros Mighty Midget No.47 Articulated Wagon box

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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