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Budgie Toys No.206

Leyland Hippo Coal Truck

Issued 1959-64    Length 92mm


The Leyland Hippo Coal Truck was a popular model for electric train layouts in the 50's and 60's because it was very close to HO/OO scale. Leyland lorries and buses were a frequent sight on the roads in those days so it was not surprising that Budgie chose this model for the third in their collection.


The cab and chassis of this model were cast in one section with the tan body added with a clip-fit arrangement without rivets (unlike No.220 Leyland Hippo Catttle Truck which had two rivets). On the base Budgie cast several details about the actual vehicle including the weight 'Laden Weight 20 Tons' and name 'Leyland Hippo - 20H9'. Also included were the words 'Budgie Toys' but no number. The wheels were metal on rounded & crimped axles and were assembled before painting so the axles always shared the main chassis colour. The tyres were treaded. 


The Coal Truck was normally painted dark green with silver trim on the grille, headlights, fuel tank and the ends of the hydraulic control box although trim was not added to fuel tank and hydraulic box on later models. The tan body varied in colour from light brown to dark tan, and there was a run of models with beige bodies. The coal load was a separate inset casting and was always painted gloss-black.


In addition to the standard green Coal Truck, Budgie also issued a batch of orange models of No.206 with full silver trim and orange painted wheels. These were similar in colour to No.220 Cattle Truck and may have been a factory paint mistake but several are known to exist. 


For some reason the wheels were never changed to silver plastic despite being in production until 1964. Perhaps the assembly and painting methods used for the model made this difficult. 


The Leyland Hippo Coal Truck first appeared in boxes without numbers (A1) but these were upgraded when Budgie started numbering the models (A2). The final boxes had end-flap numbers and the Guiterman name in place of Morris and Stone (A8).


Coal Trucks were often included in Gift Sets and so they are easy to find in excellent condition, though the orange version is rare.

Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal Truck
Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal truck

Variation 1: Tan body, A1 box

Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal Truck



1)  GREEN cab & chassis, TAN body, A1, A2, or A8 boxes


2)  GREEN cab & chassis, BEIGE body, A2 box


3)  ORANGE cab & chassis, TAN body, A8 box

Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal Truck

Variation 2: Beige body, A2 box

Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal Truck
Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal Truck

Variation 3: Orange & tan, A8 box

Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal Truck colours

Budgie No.206: different body and cab/chassis colours

Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal Truck
Budgie No.206 Leyland Hippo Coal Truck

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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