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Budgie Models No.224-2

Railway Engine Series 2

Issued 1971-1984     Length 119mm


The second model re-issued for H Seener Ltd was the long-running Railway Engine. This had first appeared as far back as 1948 and formed part of the group of models made by Modern Products which were sold as Morestone Series toys. It later joined the Budgie Toys range and continued in production until 1966 when Guiterman, owners of Budgie at that time, ceased trading. For more details of the first version see Morestone Railway Locomotive and for the Budgie model go to No.224 Railway Engine.


For the 1971 re-issue Modern Products made some minor changes to the casting but basically the Railway Engine re-appeared much the same as before. The only noticeable difference was to the side lettering which was replaced by flat panels onto which labels were attached. These kept the original number '7118' and the 'British Railways' name and were coloured yellow with black lettering in a black frame.


The Railway Engine was cast in two sections, the main body and a heavy base part which slotted into the body and was held in place by a rear pin. The base included the unpainted metal wheels and con rods.


For most of its life the Railway Engine was painted red with black coal trim, apart from an early Morestone green model, but at the end of the Series 2 production run three new colour variations were issued. These were metallic-brown with black coal, black all-over, and dark-green, usually without black coal.


In 1983, the firm of Modern Products was sold to a nearby metal business called Starcourt Ltd. who initially continued to make the Railway Engine for H Seener. However, Mr Seener's agreement had been for exclusive sales rights so he was not pleased when the new owners started selling models separately without his approval. The result of this dispute was that Mr Seener terminated the contract and not long afterwards Starcourt ended production.


In total the Railway Engine was on sale for 36 years from 1948 to 1984 apart from a short break from 1966 to 1971, a remarkable achievement.


Boxes for No.224-2 continued the bright yellow Budgie end-flap style with an illustration of a red model on the picture faces. To start with 'Made in England by Budgie Models' was given as the maker but later 'for H Seener Ltd' was added. Then, when the contract with Mr Seener ended, old stock was sold by Starcourt in the same boxes with 'for H Seener Ltd' deleted in black felt pen.


The years making models for H Seener were successful for Modern Products and thousands of Railway Engines were produced so they are not hard to collect. The only rare one is the dark-green version.

Budgie No.224 Railway Engine (Series 2)

Budgie No.224-2: Variation 1 ('Budgie Models' box)

Budgie No.224 Railway Engine (Series 2)
Budgie No.224 Railway Engine (Series 2)

Budgie No.224-2: Variations 1 & 2 ('H Seener' boxes)

 Budgie No.224-2 Railway Engine (Series 2)




1)  RED, side labels, umw, 'Budgie Models' or 'H Seener' box


2)  METALLIC-BROWN, side labels, umw, 'H Seener' or 'H Seener deleted' box


3)  BLACK, side labels, umw, 'H Seener' or 'H Seener deleted' box


4)  DARK-GREEN, side labels, umw, 'H Seener deleted' box

Budgie No.224 Railway Engine (Series 2)

Budgie No.224-2: Variation 3 (box with colour id.mark on end-flap)

Budgie No.224 Railway Engine (Series 2)

Budgie No.224-2: Variation 4 (box with 'H Seener' deleted)

Budgie No.224 Railway Engine (Series 2)

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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