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Budgie Toys No.232

Low Loader with Cable Drums

Issued 1959-66   Length 167mm


The Seddon cab was used again for the next model which Budgie issued, the Heavy Duty Articulated Low Loader with Cable Drums. This time the cab was red and at first it carried the British Road Services (BRS) decals on each side and was fitted with treaded tyres on the larger diameter painted metal wheels. Later the BRS decals were changed to a blue and white Shield logo and the wheels were altered to the smaller diameter type to which were fitted knobbly tyres. 


The Low Loader was an all new casting with a winch at the front and a spare tyre just behind the coupling. The winch however did not work; it was just a replica. The floor of the trailer had a detailed criss-cross pattern representing the tough metal of the real vehicle. It was always a bright orange or orange-yellow colour. On the flat bed sat three wooden Drums with black 'Standard' paper labels attached to each side.


The wheels on the trailer at first were large diameter similar to those on the cab and were painted orange-yellow with the trailer and fitted with treaded tyres. Later the wheels were changed to smaller diameter ones when knobbly tyres were introduced.


Budgie must have received feedback from customers about the difficulties of balancing the Drums on the Low Loader in an upright position because after a couple of years a new casting was developed with longitudinal ribs to hold the Cable Drums vertically. This second type trailer also brought a change in the Drum labels from the black 'Standard' ones to new yellow 'Aluminim Wire & Cable Company Ltd' labels, although the black ones continued for a while. The wooden part of the Drums remained unchanged.


At about the same time, the wheels of both cab and trailer were changed to smooth push-fit silver plastic wheels with knobbly black tyres.


The next improvement was the fitting of windows to the cab and the ending of decals on the doors (although some of the cabs without windows had already appeared without decals by this time). Unlike the Timber Transporter which also had windows added, the Cable Drum Low Loader kept its red cab. Finally, the push-fit silver wheels were replaced by more secure silver plastic ridged wheels on rounded (riveted) axles.


The Low Loader with Cable Drums had four box types. First was the early box without numbers (A1) which after a while was upgraded to the second type with small numbers on the picture faces (A2). The third box had large end-flap numbers added and included the Guiterman name (A8). The final appearance of the Low Loader was in the new style blue & white shrink-wrapped window pack (C2).


The Low Loader had several variations and can be difficult to find in good condition but it was produced for six years so there are quite a few around.

Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums
Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums

Variation 1: 'BRS' cab, type 1 trailer, large pmw, A1 box

Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums



All variations had red cabs and yellow trailers


1)  'BRS' decals, no windows, type 1 trailer, 'Standard' drums, large pmw/treaded tyres, A1 box


2)  Shield decals, no windows, type 1 trailer, 'Standard' drums, small pmw/knobbly tyres, A1 or A2 box


3)  Shield decals, no windows, type 1 trailer, 'Standard' drums, spw/knobbly tyres, A2 box


4)  No door decals, no windows, type 1 trailer, 'Standard' drums, spw/knobbly tyres, A2 or A8 box


5)  No decals, cab with windows, type 2 trailer, 'Standard' drums, spw/knobbly tyres, A2 or A8 box


6)  No decals, cab with windows, type 2 trailer, 'Aluminium' drums, spw/knobbly tyres, A8 box


7)  No decals, cab with windows, type 2 trailer, 'Aluminium' drums, ridged spw/knobbly tyres,  A8 box or C2 pack

Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums

Variation 2: Shield decals, type 1 trailer, pmw, A1 box

Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums

Variation 3: Shield decals, type 1 trailer, spw, A2 box


photos: M&M Auctions

Variation 4: No door decals or windows, type 1 trailer, spw, A8 box 

Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums
Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums

Variation 5: no decals, cab windows, type 2 trailer, spw, A8 box

Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums

Variation 7: 'Aluminium' drums, ridged spw

Budgie No.232 Low Loader with Cable Drums

Variation 7: 'Aluminium' drums, ridged spw, C2 pack

Budgie No.232 trailers: type 1 (front), type 2 (rear)

Budgie No.232: two types of trailer pmw

Budgie No.232: cab base & trailer underside

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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