Budgie Toys No.246
Police Patrol Car Series 1

Budgie Police Car with A3 box

Variation 1: no 'Police' signs, A3 box

Variation 3: 'Police' signs on front & rear, A8 box

Budgie Police Car with A3 box
Issued 1960-63 Length 113mm
The first appearance of the Police Patrol Car was in 1955 as the Morestone (Modern Products) Police Car made at the Modern Products foundry next door to the Morestone offices. It was based on the real Wolseley 6/80 car and it was this model which Budgie used with later adaptations when it was re-issued in 1960 under the Budgie name as No.246.
In fact it seems that the first issue of the Budgie Police Car was the original Morestone model without alterations, possibly to use up old stock. It had a plain front grille and no rear 'Police' plate and was painted a glossy black like the real Police cars at that time with silver trim on the grille, bell, front bumper (which was part of the base), rear bumper, roof-top speakers and wheel hubs. On the roof a metal aerial was fitted.
Budgie soon issued an improved model by changing the radiator grille (which was a separate casting) to include a blue 'Police' decal on a flat panel, and altering the base by putting 'Wolseley Police Car' and 'Budgie Toys' on raised panels over the original wording. 'Made in England' was also added at the front of the base.
The third variation of the Police Car saw the body re-cast to add a rear plate in the centre of the boot (trunk) onto which a blue 'Police' decal was attached like the one on the front grille.
Being an old design, the Police Patrol Car had no axles so the silver-painted metal wheels were individually clip-fitted onto the base. The lightly treaded tyres were black rubber.
The No.246 Police Patrol Car first appeared in Morris & Stone boxes (A3) and then in the standard Guiterman Group boxes (A8). The Morestone model only appeared in A3 boxes, but other versions seem to have been issued in either box.
The Police Patrol Car is not particularly common and finding mint versions can be difficult, but they do not seem to command a premium price.
Despite being a 28-year old model, in 1983 Modern Products revived the Police Patrol Car using the old dies which they still owned and created an updated version for H Seener Ltd. Details and the history of this Series 2 model can be found at Budgie 246-2 Police Patrol Car.

Variation 1: no 'Police' signs, 'Morestone' base, A3 box
Budgie No.246 Police Patrol Car
All models had a silver bell & loudspeakers, roof aerial, silver wheels and black tyres
1) BLACK, NO 'Police' sign on front grille, NO rear sign, 'Morestone' base, A3 box
2) BLACK, 'Police' sign on front grille, NO rear sign, 'Budgie' base, A3 or A8 box
3) BLACK, 'Police' sign on front grille, 'Police' sign at rear, 'Budgie' base, A3 or A8 box

Variation 2: 'Police' sign on front, 'Budgie' base, A3 box

Variation 3: 'Police' signs on front and rear, A8 box