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Budgie Toys No.266

Express Delivery Sidecar Outfit

Issued 1962-64    Length 108mm


Third of the Motorcycles using the same bike casting as Nos.262 & 264 was No.266 Express Delivery Sidecar Outfit but for this model Budgie made a few changes.


First, the all-in-one motorcycle casting was painted in metallic gold or metallic silver including the handlebars. Next the tin-plate faring was discarded in favour of a cast metal upper section which included the seat, fuel tank and front and rear mudguards. Coloured mid-blue whether the bike was gold or silver (although the shades of blue varied), this gave the Express Delivery combination a bright and fresh appearance.


The unpainted wheels and black plastic tyres were the same as those used on the previous models. Similarly, the black plastic rider with painted helmet, gloves and face was the same although for the Express Delivery the helmet was usually silver.


Attached to the motorcycle was a red box-type sidecar with a lifting lid. On the front was cast 'Express Delivery'. The fixing onto the motorcycle was a stronger method than that used for the Racing sidecar, mainly because the sidecar wheel was the same size as those on the bike which enabled a single rear axle to be used for both bike and sidecar. The only id., as with the previous models, was a small 'Made in England' on the right side of the motorcycle.


No.266 Express Delivery Sidecar Outfit was in production for a couple of years and apart from the gold or silver motorcycle, there were no variations. Only one type of box was used (A9).


It is not a common model but often those which can be found are in nice condition. The silver bike is more scarce and the box is hard to find.

Budgie No.266 Express Delivery Motorcycle Sidecar Outfit
Budgie No.266 Express Delivery Motorcycle Sidecar Outfit
Budgie No.266 Express Delivery Motorcycle Sidecar Outfit

Variation 1: Metallic-silver engine

Budgie No.266 Express Delivery Sidecar Outfit



All models had BLUE upper section, RED sidecar, BLACK plastic rider with silver helmet,

unpainted metal wheels with black tyres, A9 box




Budgie No.266 Express Delivery Motorcycle Sidecar Outfit
Budgie No.266 Express Delivery Motorcycle Sidecar Outfit
Budgie No.266 Express Delivery Motorcycle Sidecar Outfit

Variation 2: Metallic-gold engine

Budgie No.266 Express Delivery Motorcycle Sidecar Outfit

Budgie No.266: gold & silver motors, different shades of blue

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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