Budgie Toys No.308
Pitt Alligator Low Loader

B3 box

B3 box - descriptive panel

Underside detail

B3 box
Issued 1964-66 Length 163mm
For this model Budgie made use of the updated version of the Seddon cab which had been part of several earlier models. Attached to it was a strikingly unusual trailer devised by Pitt Trailers for loading heavy items at virtual ground level. The entire wheel section could be hydraulically lifted up and the ramps lowered for access. As a toy, it was quite easy to devise and produced an excellent addition to the Budgie range.
The green Seddon cab had clear windows and silver trim on the grille and headlights. The black base was the same as earlier versions with 'Seddon Diesel' cast on it but the wheels were now silver plastic with knobbly tyres. The coupling remained the simple 'T' system.
The Alligator Low Loader trailer comprised two main castings hinged together at the front by a pin, and a little clip-fit ramp. This enabled the upper part (which included the wheels) to be lifted and the ramp lowered to allow access to the flat-bed. At the front end of the flat-bed were two hooks to which the load could be tied if required. Underneath 'No.308 Pitt Alligator' 'A Budgie Model' and 'Made in England' were normally cast but a recent discovery of a trailer without lettering indicates some models were produced without it.
Both parts of the trailer were painted yellow and the ramps a glossy black. 'Pitt Trailers' decals were applied to each side (in a rather random way; they can be found at the front, or back, high or low!). At the rear of the trailer a white lettered decal 'Caution! Air Brakes' was added.
Boxes for the Alligator were the standard yellow to start with and carried a good illustration of the lifted trailer and a descriptive panel on the reverse face (B3). Later the model appeared in blue & white open-sided window packs with an illustration on the base (C2).
The Pitt Alligator had good play value so mint examples can be hard to find and the boxes are scarce, especially the window pack.

Budgie No.308 Pitt Alligator Low Loader
Clear windows
YELLOW trailer
spw (knobbly tyres)
B3 box or C2 pack

Budgie No.308 in original sealed C2 window pack

photo Michel Ballet
Trailers with and without id. lettering