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Budgie Miniatures Multipacks
Triple Sets & Budgie Garage

Budgie Triple Sets

Between 1965 and 1970 Budgie issued two Series of Triple blister-pack Sets containing Miniature models. Both Series were numbered 95-99 although in the first Series No.95 (Road Haulage Set) was planned but never issued.

The packs were a simple design with the three models of each Set enclosed in a combined vacuum-sealed blister and held within a folded card. 'Die-cast models by Budgie' was printed on the front with the title of the Set, and the model names and numbers were printed beneath each blister. On the back details of other Sets in the Series were included.


Triple Sets were particularly aimed at sales in North America and some model names were altered, for example No.15 Austin Countryman became No.15 Austin Station Wagon.


All the Sets are now scarce, especially the first Series, and are rarely found in mint condition.

Budgie Garage Set of Miniatures

Sometime around 1969/1970 some Sets of late issue miniature models were created under the name 'Budgie Garage' (not to be confused with the Morestone Esso Garage in the 1950's). The owners of Budgie (Modern Products Ltd.) had decided to retire in 1970 and it is probable that the Garage Sets were produced to dispose of surplus stocks because the new owners did not wish to continue making toys (their interest was in the foundry rather than in toymaking).

The Budgie Garage Sets contained 10, or sometimes 12, late-issue miniatures in variable combinations. Some models seem to have been included in every pack, and these were Nos.11 Royal Mail Van, 12 Volkswagen Microbus, 18 Foden Dumper, 25 Cattle Truck, and 27 Fire Chief Car. Two models from the 50-55 Petrol Tanker series were also included, and usually some of the Bedford truck models.


Compared to earlier packs, the Budgie Garage boxes were plain in appearance and carried little information. They were open-fronted with inner card dividers, and at the top (and usually the bottom) they had two-tone illustrations of a garage and filling station with the name 'Budgie Garage' on the sign. There was no printing on the rear. The whole pack was strengthened by elastic bands and then wrapped in transparent shrink-wrap and housed in a brown open-ended card sleeve.

The Budgie Garage Set is scarce and because the box was not strongly made, mint examples are rare.


Triple Sets

Series A
(Issued 1965-66)
 96a Road Construction Set
97a Truck Set
98a Utility Vehicle Set
99a Traffic Set

Series B
(Issued 1967-70)
 95b Town Set
96b Service Set
97b Truck Set
98b Utility Vehicle Set
99b Traffic Set

Budgie Garage
Anchor 1
Triple Sets Series A
Budgie No.96 Series A Road Construction Set


Road Construction Set

No.18 Foden Dump Truck


No.23 Cement Mixer


No.26 Diesel Roller

Budgie No.97 Series A Truck Set


Truck Set

No.25 Cattle Truck


No.21a Tipper Truck


No.22a Crane Truck



Utility Vehicle Set

No.12 Volkswagen Microbus


No.24 Refuse Truck


No.55 Mobil Tanker

Awaiting images

Budgie No.99 Series A Traffic Set


Traffic Set

No.15 Austin Station Wagon

No.8 Volkswagen Sedan


No.27 Fire Chief Car

Anchor 2
Triple Sets Series B

Awaiting images


Town Set

No.20 Emergency Vehicle


No.21 Oldsmobile Sedan


No.56 Hertz Delivery Truck

Budgie No.96 Series B Service Set


Service Set

No.5 Mobile Police Car

No.59 Fire Engine

No.19 Rover 

Budgie No.97 Series 2 Truck Set


Truck Set

No.58 Removal Van

(metallic green or beige)


No.57 REA Delivery Truck


No.12 Volkswagen Microbus

Budgie No.97 Series B Traffic Set
 Budgie No.98 Series B Utility Vehicle Set


Utility Vehicle Set


No.60 Squad Car


No.61 'Q' Car

No.27 Fire Chief Car

Budgie No.99 Series B Traffic Set


Traffic Set

No.15 Austin Station Wagon

(orange or metallic mauve)


No.8 Volkswagen Sedan


No.14 Packard Convertible

Budgie No.99 Series B Traffic Set
Anchor 3
Budgie Garage

Issued c.1969/70

Open-fronted box with shrink-wrap cover

Printed illustrations (usually at the top and bottom of the box) depicting a garage and filling station with a 'Budgie Garage' sign

No makers name

Whole box contained in a plain cardboard sleeve

Contained 10 or 12 late issue Budgie miniatures in individual compartments

Contents varied but most sets included Nos.11, 12, 18, 25, 27, 50, 55

photo Hans Putz

Budgie Garage Set
Budgie Garage Set

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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