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Early Morestone Toys
Models sold by or attributed to Morestone

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Sam Morris began his wholesale toy business in 1946 in Stoke Newington, London, whilst nearby another small business was founded by Jim and Len Burkett making diecast toys under the name 'Modern Products'. Not surprisingly, the two soon began working together and the models they produced are well documented including the Racing Car from 1946 and the stage coach 'Ye Olde Coach & Four' a year later.


However, Sam Morris obtained toys for his wholesale business from a number of other toy makers such as Sam Agasee (S.A.Agasee Ltd.) and Everson & Brooks (Eebee). Some of these items were novelties like the 'Three Blind Mice' game, some were musical like the Dulcimer, whilst others were more conventional like the Boy on a Tricycle, the Penny Farthing and the Ice Cream Vendor.


North of the City of London before World War 2 there were a number of diecast toymakers centred on the Finsbury Pavement 'Toy City' and in 1946 when metal restrictions were lifted these again began making toys, sometimes using pre-war dies, and Sam Morris saw the opportunities of distributing and selling some of these.


In the early years toys made by other toymakers were often sold unboxed or in a modest box but in about 1948 Sam Morris decided to unify the models he sold and introduced the 'Morestone Series' name with toys in individual illustrated boxes.

It is not certain whether or not early toys now identified as Morestone were all marketed by Sam Morris but there is plenty of evidence that he saw the sales potential of interesting toys made by small toy-makers. As a result many of these have survived.


Modern replicas of some of early toys are now available and so collecting the original items, which are often hard to find, needs care.

Anchor 1

Butcher's Delivery Boy on Bicycle

Morestone Butcher's Delivery Boy on Bicycle
Morestone Butcher's Delivery Boy on Bicycle
Morestone Butcher's Delivery Boy on Bicycle
Morestone Butcher's Delivery Boy on Bicycle

All-metal model with detachable figure and front tray (missing on red model)

Blue or red bicycle, umw with unpainted stand for rear wheel (missing on red model)

White figure with black boots and striped apron, pink trim on face and hands

White or cream open tray which slotted over front wheel containing meat with red trim

Anchor 2

Circus Clown on Penny Farthing

Morestone Circus Clown on Penny Farthing
Morestone Clown on Penny Farthing
Morestone Clown on Penny Farthing
Morestone Circus Clown on Penny Farthing
Morestone Clown on Penny Farthing
Morestone Clown on Penny Farthing

All-metal model with detachable clown and sometimes with dog

Red cycle with dark-grey unpainted wheels; cream clown holding two red balls; red hat & buttons with face trim

 Brown dog on rear platform (not included in box illustration)

End-flap box printed on one face and side only, no toymaker's name given

Manufactured by S.A.Agasee Ltd

Anchor 3

Ice Cream Vendor

Morestone Ice Cream Vendor
Morestone Ice Cream Vendor
Morestone Ice Cream Vendor
Morestone Ice Cream Vendor
Morestone Ice Cream Vendor
Morestone Ice Cream Vendor

All-metal model, bicycle and rider (one casting) centrally rivetted through ice cream box to separate lid

Bicycle always black, rider had black trousers and white or black jacket, with trim on face & hands

Ice Cream box white, cream, pink, beige, or blue, lid red or green, umw, crimped axles

Anchor 4

Tandem Bicycle with Sidecar

Morestone Tandem Bicycle with Sidecar
Morestone Tandem Bicycle with Sidecar
Morestone Tandem Bicycle with Sidecar
Morestone Tandem Bicycle with Sidecar
Morestone Tandem Bicycle with Sidecar
Morestone Tandem Bicycle
Morestone Tandem Bicycle

All metal model. Sidecar (including child) was a separate casting rivetted to cycle before painting

Unpainted, spoked wheels with full-width rear axle (crimped)

Red or blue cycle and sidecar (not always matching colours).

Blue or red child including hat, pink face trim

Cream, brown or beige riders (various combinations)

Pink trim on faces, hands & legs. Brown, tan or black hair

The riders were detachable but could be clipped in place

Anchor 5

Boy on Tricycle

Morestone Boy on Tricycle - green
Morestone Boy on Tricycle - yellow
Morestone Boy on Tricycle - green
Morestone Boy on Tricycle - yellow
Morestone Boy on Tricycle - red

All metal model with steering and detachable rider

Main body of tricycle, handlebars and front forks were three separate castings

Unpainted metal wheels on nailhead+crimped axle (front) and push-fit (rear)

Red, green or yellow tricycle with silver trim on handlebars & front lamp

Boy rider was always blue including cap, with pink trim on face, hands and knees

Manufactured by S.A.Agasee Ltd.

Morestone Boy on Tricycle - red
Anchor 6

Motorcycle & Sidecar

Early Morestone Motorcycle & Sidecar
Early Morestone Motorcycle & Sidecar
Early Morestone Motorcycle & Sidecar
Early Morestone Motorcycle & Rider

This may have been originally created as a


All metal model, fixed forks, cast-in passenger, separate motorcycle rider

Unpainted spoked metal wheels on nailhead & crimped axles

Red motorcycle & sidecar

 Dark-brown (or black) painted passenger with pink face trim

Dark-brown (or black) painted rider with white gloves and white or pink face trim

Manufactured by Everson & Brooks (Eebee Toys)

Early Morestone Motorcycle & Sidecar
Anchor 7

'Three Blind Mice'

Morestone Series Three Blind Mice
Morestone Series Three Blind Mice

Novelty toy

Red metal base unit with illustrated card insert

Black lid with clear plastic top

Unpainted operating handle, inner mechanism & 'knife'

Separate unpainted metal 'stake'

'Morestone Series' illustrated box with instructions on end-flaps

Anchor 8


Morestone Series Dulcimer
Morestone Series Dulcimer
Morestone Series Dulcimer
Morestone Dulcimer box

Musical toy with marked keys in the scale of C

Painted metal keys on yellow metal frame

Red or Blue printed music sheet 'Nuts and May'

Two wooden hammers

Lidded card box with 'Morestone Series' illustrated label

Anchor 9

Station Truck

Morestone Mechanical Mule Station Truck
Morestone Mechanical Mule Station Truck
Morestone Mechanical Mule Station Truck

Mechanical Mule Station Truck


All metal model including unpainted wheels & axles

Red or Green single body casting painted on upper side only

Separately cast unpainted steering wheel

Brown female driver with pink hands/face and dark brown hair

Unpainted metal luggage

End-flap box with model name & picture printed on one face only

'Station Truck' & 'Made in England' on one side only

Both end-flaps plain

Manufactured by S.A.Agasee Ltd. 

Monkey Handcart

All-metal model including monkey

Red trolley with a simple seat for the monkey

Unpainted wheels and mechanism

Dark-brown monkey with pink face, eyes and ears

The rear axle was cranked so when the trolley was pushed forward, the hand-lever moved and made it appear that the monkey was driving

Manufactured by S.A.Agasee Ltd.

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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