Morestone 'Esso' Petrol Pump Series
No.1 AA Motorcycle Patrol

The first ten models in the 'Esso' Petrol Pump Series were issued in September 1956 and No.1 was the AA Motorcycle Patrol, the first of three Automobile Association models.
No.1 AA Motorcycle Patrol was made up of six separate castings: the motorcycle, the sidecar, its opening lid, the front screen, the rider, and the unpainted metal wheels.
The motorcycle had fixed steering and was painted glossy black without trim. Behind the front headlight there was a slot where the little yellow screen fitted. Unlike the large Morestone AA Motorcycle also issued in 1956 there was no AA logo on the screen.
The bright yellow sidecar however did carry the logo cast on both sides of the pointed front but these were not picked out with any trim unlike the railbars on the opening lid which were black. On the underside of the lid 'Made in England' was cast but there was no other identification on the model.
The metal Patrol rider wore the colours of the AA which was a khaki uniform including cap, and black gloves but not boots. His face had flesh-colour trim.
All three unpainted metal wheels had open spokes (in contrast to the fairly similar Benbros AA Motorcycle TV Series No.3 which had solid wheels). The bike and the sidecar were held together by a pin near the front of the sidecar and by the rear axle. Overall, the model measured 46mm in length.
No.1 AA Motorcycle Patrol did not have a long run, perhaps little more than a year, and had no variations. It was not included in the Budgie Miniatures range.
Finding good examples is not too difficult although the boxes are scarce.

No.1 AA Motorcycle Patrol - Summary
Issued in Esso Series : 1956-58
Length : 46mm
Esso (small font) Garage Offer on base flap, Garage Coupon
Esso (small font, large number in panel) Garage Offer overstamped, Garage Coupon
Model details
BLACK m/cycle, YELLOW sidecar & lid (cast-in black rails), YELLOW screen, KHAKI rider, umw