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Morestone 'Esso' Petrol Pump Series

No.15 Austin Countryman

Morestone Esso Petrol Pump Series No.15 Austin Countryman

The most successful model in the Esso Petrol Pump Series was No.15 Austin Countryman. It was based on the 1954 Estate or Station Wagon version of the Austin A95 Westminster. Manufactured for Morestone by Modern Products Ltd., it not only continued on sale until 1970 but the casting was also used for other models.


No.15 Austin Countryman was the only model in the Esso Series to be issued in more than one colour before the Series was discontinued. The first version was blue with a silver 'flash' on each side and silver trim on front grille, logo and headlights. There was also red trim on the tail-lights, a feature which only this issue received.


The second variation was bright orange, a colour which continued for many years. Silver trim on the side flashes and front grille, logo and headlights was the same as the blue model but the red tail-lights were dropped. 


The base incorporated both front and rear bumpers and to highlight these the whole base was painted silver. 'No.15' and 'Austin A95 Westminster Countryman' were cast underneath with 'Made in England' added in smaller lettering. For later re-issues, revisions were made to the base but the Esso models all had the number cast directly onto it.


Standard unpainted metal wheels were fitted to No.15 on flat-head & crimped axles. 


The Austin Countryman first appeared in the Esso box with the Garage Offer overstamped on the base flap and a Garage Coupon inside. After 31 March 1957, a Tanker Coupon was included and later boxes had the Offer on the base flap replaced by a large number '15'.


Re-issues of No.15 Austin Countryman after the Esso Series was discontinued in 1959 are detailed on the Budgie Miniatures No.15 Austin Countryman page.


The orange version of No.15 is commonly found but the blue one is more scarce.

Morestone Esso Petrol Pump Series No.15 Austin Countryman - blue version
Morestone Esso Petrol Pump Series No.15 Aiustin Countryman - blue version

No.15 Austin Countryman - Summary


  • Issued in Esso Series : 1957-59

  • Re-issued by Budgie : 1960-1970

  • Length : 66mm


Esso Boxes


  • Esso (large font & number) Garage Offer on base flap overstamped, Garage Coupon

  • Esso (large font & number) Number on base flap, Tanker Coupon


 Esso Model Variations


  • BLUE body,  silver flash & trim,  silver-painted base,  RED tail-lights,  umw

  • ORANGE body,  silver flash & trim,  silver-painted base,  NO tail-lights,  umw


Morestone Esso Petrol Pump Series No.15 Austin Countryman - orange version
Morestone Esso Petrol Pump Series No.15 Austin Countryman - base detail
Morestone Esso Petrol Pump Series No.15 Austin Countryman - colour variations
Morestone Esso Petrol Pump Series No.15 box

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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