Morestone Bedford Dormobile

Variation 1 (Red)

Variation 1 (Red)

Variation 2 (Green)

Variation 1 (Red)
Issued 1954-1956 Length 90mm
The Bedford Dormobile was not at first sight an exciting candidate for Morestone to choose as a model. It was very much a van with windows in appearance but had quite a popular following in the 1950's and was one of the first vehicles to use sliding doors. It has been reported that the boss of Morestone, Sam Morris, owned a Dormobile so maybe that is why it entered the Morestone range.
The body was cast in one piece with 'Made in England' inside the roof. It was usually coloured red with silver trim added to the front bumper, grille and headlights although there was also a green version.
The style of the base had more in keeping with early Morestone models, sloting into the body at the rear and front. 'Morestone Series' and 'Made in England' were included on the base making this only the second model to carry Morestone identification (the first was the 1948 Clockwork Fire Engine).
The metal wheels had no axles but were fitted directly onto lugs in the base. The design was interesting because the hubs were fixed and did not turn. Movement was provided by the metal 'tyres' which ran freely around the hubs. Often a light coat of silver trim was added to the outer sufaces of the wheels.
Boxed in a conventional end-flap box with coloured drawings on two faces, the Bedford Dormobile was described as 'famous' on the sides so presumably Sam Morris rated it highly!
As it had a short production life, it is not an easy item to find and the green one is scarce. The box is rare.

Variation 1: Red
Morestone Bedford Dormobile
Both variations had an unpainted base and metal wheels
Morestone illustrated end-flap box
1) RED

Variation 2; Green