Morestone Double Decker Bus

Variation 1: Red, 'Finest Petrol' advert

Variation 2: Green, 'Finest Petrol' advert

Variation 4: Red, 'Motor Oil' advert

Variation 1: Red, 'Finest Petrol' advert
Issued 1955-1959 Length 103mm
Morestone was following other toymakers when it was decided to make a model of a Double Decker Bus. It was based on the Leyland Titan vehicle and was an excellent bit of casting. Not surprisingly the model proved to be a successful addition to the Morestone Series.
Morestone cast the Double Decker bus in two parts, the main one being the top section or body which included the windows and a number '7' cast on the destination panel at the front (the rear panel was left empty). The base section included both front mudguards, the engine and grille, and both axles, and had 'Made in England' cast lengthwise underneath. The two parts were firmly fixed together by three rivets prior to painting.
In the 1950's, real urban buses were usually coloured red and those on rural or country services were green so Morestone issued models in both colours to start with. Silver trim was added to the engine grille and front lights, and advertisement decals put on the sides.
However, perhaps because the traditional colour of London buses was red, the green models were soon discontinued.
In all there were four variations of the Double Decker, three red and one green. The first two shared the same advertisement decals, but the later red models had two new ones. They all promoted Esso petrol:
'Finest Petrol Esso Extra in the World'
'Esso For Happy Motoring Esso'
'Motor Oil Esso Petrol'
The Double Decker was the first Morestone model to have metal wheels and rubber tyres. The wheels were painted red or green according to the version and they were held on by round-head and crimped axles which were painted with the model. The tyres were smooth on first advert models, both red and green, and then changed to treaded on later issues.
The red & yellow end-flap boxes, which were only just big enough for the models to fit inside, carried illustrations on both faces and 'Morestone Series Scale Model Double Decker Bus' on the sides. The end-flaps said 'Morestone Series Made in England'.
The Double Decker Bus was a popular model and good examples can still be found, often with a box, but the last red issue 'Motor Oil Esso Petrol' is scarce and the green version is rare in mint condition

Variation 1: Red, 'Finest' adverts
Morestone Double Decker Bus
All have 'Made in England' on the base
Morestone Series illustrated end-flap box
1) RED body & base, RED pmw, smooth tyres, 'Finest Petrol Esso Extra in the World'
2) GREEN body & base, GREEN pmw, smooth tyres, 'Finest Petrol Esso Extra in the World'
3) RED body & base, RED pmw, treaded tyres, 'Esso for Happy Motoring Esso'
4) RED body & base, RED pmw, treaded tyres, 'Motor Oil Esso Petrol'

Variation 2: Green, 'Finest' adverts

Variation 3: Red, 'Happy' adverts

Variation 4: Red, 'Oil' adverts