Morestone State Landau

Issued 1953 Length 111mm
1953 was the year of Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation and all toy makers produced souvenirs to commemorate the occaision but Morestone made only one toy, the State Landau.
The landau was cast with some detail including a crest on the sides and the figure, presumably, of the Queen sitting inside. It was painted metallic gold all over including the metal wheels. The footmen at the rear were separate figures painted in red and black.
The six white horses and central shaft were all one casting and this hooked onto the landau with a simple peg. The three riders on one side had red painted coats and black hats and the horses had black harness trim. The riderless horses had saddle cloths edged in red. There was no identification put on the horses or the landau.
The high quality end-flap box carried illustrations of the Landau on two faces and 'Morestone Series Made in England State Landau' on the other two.
Mint boxed examples of the State Landau are not hard to find but are becoming more scarce.

Morestone State Landau
METALLIC GOLD landau, two separate RED footmen with trim,
WHITE shaft & six horses (three riders with red trim)
Morestone Series box