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Benbros Qualitoys

Mobile Crane

The third model to use the Ruston-Bucyrus 10-RB casting was the Mobile Crane which had it mounted onto the AEC Sunderland cab and chassis which Benbros had already used on several models in the Qualitoys range. 


Both the body and jib of the crane as well as the cab and chassis of the Sunderland truck were 'from stock' so the only new casting was the platform on which the crane sat and to which it was rivetted. The platform was an angular unit but fitted firmly on the chassis with a front tab and rear rivet. Just behind the cab a cradle was included for the jib to settle when lowered.


Benbros used the second variation of the Ruston-Bucyrus 10-RB crane for this model with a pinned jib coupling and unpainted or black painted metal handles which were usually both on the right-hand side but sometimes one on each side.


As with previous models, the 'Sunderland' truck was painted bright red, the crane crimson-red & yellow with a dark-green jib, and the platform a bright yellow. '10-RB' decals were added to the crane, 'Ruston-Bucyrus' was cast on the back and 'Benbros Made in England' included underneath. 


The wheels were '6-bolt' metal painted red, yellow or pale-blue, or unpainted with large hub-covers similar to Zebra Toys wheels, or finally '6-bolt' yellow or red plastic, all fitted with black treaded tyres.


A bright red & yellow shared box was created for both the Mobile Crane and Mobile Excavator with the model names in large panels above or near model illustrations. On one of the end-flaps a blank section was left for the model details to be added which for the crane was just 'M CRANE' .


Because of its good play value, the Mobile Crane in mint condition is now a scarce model and will fetch a premium at auction.

Variation 1: RED '6-bolt' painted metal wheels, with box

Benbros Qualitoys Mobile Crane



All variations had

RED cab, chassis & base with SILVER TRIM on grille, headlights & number-plate

YELLOW platform

RED & YELLOW crane body, um handles, 10-RB decals

GREEN jib (pin-type connection to body), um hook


RED & YELLOW boxes shared with Mobile Excavator

1)  RED '6-bolt' painted metal wheels

2)  YELLOW '6-bolt' painted metal wheels

3)  BLUE '6-bolt' painted metal wheels

4)  UNPAINTED metal wheels with large hub-covers

5)  YELLOW '6-bolt' plastic wheels

6)  RED '6-bolt' plastic wheels

Benbros Qualitoys Mobile Crane

Variation 3: BLUE '6-bolt' painted metal wheels, with box (hook missing)

Benbros Qualitoys Mobile Crane
Benbros Qualitoys Mobile Crane

Variation 4: UNPAINTED metal wheels, with box

Benbros Qualitoys Mobile Crane

Variation 5: YELLOW '6-bolt' plastic wheels, black handles

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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