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Benbros Qualitoys

RAC Motorcycle Patrol

Sometime after issuing the AA Motorcycle Patrol, Benbros produced an RAC version based on the same model using the second type motorcycle with steering forks but with a new RAC sidecar and the revised pin-type sidecar linkage in line with other toymakers at that time.


The RAC (Royal Automobile Club) Motorcycle had 'TTC 147' cast on both front and rear number-plates and 'Made in England' cast underneath. It was painted black with silver trim on the handlebars, headlight, fuel tank, engine parts, and front and rear number-plates although on some later models the silver trim was missed or discontinued. The spoked wheels were unpainted metal with black tyres.


At the front of the motorcycle was a separately cast screen painted blue with the 'RAC' logo cast in the centre picked out in silver trim. Attached to the top of this was a clear plastic windscreen.  The unit fitted over the headlight and was held in place by two nodules on each side. Later this delicate screen, from which the plastic glazing was easily detached, was replaced by a second type screen with a metal arched top similar to those used by Morestone.


The RAC sidecar was a new casting incorporating the 'RAC' logo at the front and an opening lid. There were no bars and no hole for an aerial, the aerial instead being a spring-like one which fitted onto a raised nodule. The linkage between the sidecar and the motorcycle made use of the rear axle and had a forward pin which went through the front of the motorcycle. The whole sidecar including mudguard was painted blue with silver trim on the logo.


The RAC Patrolman was a metal rider using the same casting as the AA version but painted blue with various levels of trim from a white cap and gloves, black boots and a pink face to just a white cap, tan face and black buttons! Eventually the metal rider was replaced by a blue plastic rider who had the trademark white cap and was finished with tan or beige face trim.


The RAC Motorcycle Patrol had a special 'RAC' box with pictures and logo on both faces and sides. The blue end-flaps carried the Benbros Qualitoys crest-like logo at one end and the 'RAC' logo at the other.


Being a late issue the Qualitoys RAC Patrol had a short run before making way for the new Zebra Toys model so it is quite rare.

Benbros Qualitoys RAC Motorcycle Patrol
Benbros Qualitoy RAC Motorcycle Patrol

Variation 1: type 1 screen, metal rider

Benbros Qualitoys RAC Motorcycle Patrol



Both had BLACK motorcycle with steering forks, BLUE sidecar, 'spring' aerial, umw & black tyres


1)  Type 1 screen with clear plastic 'glazing', METAL rider


2)  Type 2 screen with cast arched top, METAL or PLASTIC rider

Benbros Qualitoys RAC Motorcycle Patrol
Benbros Qualitoys RAC Motorcycle Patrol

Variation 2: type 2 screen, plastic rider

Benbros Qualitoys Motorcycle Patrol
Benbros Qualitoys RAC Motorcycle Patrol riders

RAC riders : metal (two variations of trim) and blue plastic

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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